What is a Mailing List called in MS Word?

In MS Word, a mailing list is also known as a data source, it is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or organization to send a document or content to multiple recipients.

Step by Step Explanation to Create a Mail Merge in MS Word

As much as you want to send to multiple recipients → now click on the OK or

Use an existing list: Use an already saved recipients’ address list from your computer or,Choose from Outlook contacts: You can choose the recipient’s address list from your Outlook account.After choosing/typing the list of recipients’ addresses, click on the “Edit Recipient List” to select or deselect the specific recipient’s list to send mail to the specific people. It is also useful to sort, filter, and remove duplicates of the recipient’s address list.Then click on the “Insert Merge Field”Now you can get a drop-down list under the “Insert Merge Field”From the list of fields, select recipients’ fields one by one to insert in the “To Address Box”If you want to see the preview of the address list, click on the preview resultsNow go to the Finish and MergeSelect one of the options given under it. For example, select “Edit Individual Documents”Select the merge record options, for example, “All”, and then click OK.

Video Tutorial

title: “What Is A Mail Merge In Microsoft Word 2022” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-26” author: “Linda Graf”

What is a Mailing List called in MS Word?

In MS Word, a mailing list is also known as a data source, it is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or organization to send a document or content to multiple recipients.

Step by Step Explanation to Create a Mail Merge in MS Word

As much as you want to send to multiple recipients → now click on the OK or

Use an existing list: Use an already saved recipients’ address list from your computer or,Choose from Outlook contacts: You can choose the recipient’s address list from your Outlook account.After choosing/typing the list of recipients’ addresses, click on the “Edit Recipient List” to select or deselect the specific recipient’s list to send mail to the specific people. It is also useful to sort, filter, and remove duplicates of the recipient’s address list.Then click on the “Insert Merge Field”Now you can get a drop-down list under the “Insert Merge Field”From the list of fields, select recipients’ fields one by one to insert in the “To Address Box”If you want to see the preview of the address list, click on the preview resultsNow go to the Finish and MergeAdvertisementsSelect one of the options given under it. For example, select “Edit Individual Documents”Select the merge record options, for example, “All”, and then click OK.

Video Tutorial