FilmoraGo Features

Tools such as adding text, audio, recording, or video can be done using FilmoraGo. In addition, the FilmoraGo 2022 version has other advantages such as images that can move automatically after being added, and this will make editing images to videos smooth. Another tool that can be used is PIP which can be used to put videos on video. In addition, this tool will also be able to add effects such as glitches and eliminate black background on videos. PIP features on FilmoraGo are very rarely owned by video editor applications.

FilmoraGo Apk Download

FilmoraGo 2022 has an easy-to-use interface. Apk file size is no more than 66 MB. It is highly recommended for you to install FilmoraGo on a smartphone application with at least 4GB / more of RAM. You can download FilmoraGo 2022 apk mod through the following link. Read more about Download FilmoraGo Apk Full Version, Wondershare Filmora X 2020, Download Wondershare Filmora