Microsoft Office 2013 as we know it offers many advantages and important features, among the most popular are the following features. Touchscreen Support Microsoft Office 2013 support is used for screens that use touchscreen such as tablets and similar devices which of course use Windows OS. Power Point 2013 Clip Art This feature allows Power Point users to be able to insert images from the Internet source while presenting them. Users can also select Clip Art that has been provided from online sources which will certainly provide many options to its users. Cloud Service Allows documents created with Office 2013 to be opened anywhere while using the Windows OS. That’s some of the advantages of Office 2013 compared to its predecessor. For system requirements Office 2013 requires at least a minimum of OS Windows 7, with 2 GB of RAM, 3 GB Free disk space and also a screen resolution 1024 x 576 pixels. To get Office 2013 can be download via the following link.