CRD will do the automated delivery for you, delivering reports to folder, email, printer, fax, DropBox, Sharepoint, FTP or SFTP! Date & Time Scheduling It’s easy to schedule Crystal Reports to run at a specific date & time, or to run them hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e.g. 4-4-3, every other day, third Monday of the month, & so on. And the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters, formats, frequencies, & destinations. Event Triggers Respond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than date. Add real-time monitoring to your Crystal Reports distribution process with CRD’s Event Based Schedules, reports are fired off when events occur e.g. database value is present, file is modified, window is open, an email is received, etc. Dynamic & Data Driven Use CRD’s unique Dynamic & Data-Driven Schedule processes to trawl through your database to find the parameter values to use and then generate and deliver a unique report for each value. And with Bursting Schedules you can quickly & easily burst out and deliver report groups to different recipients and destinations. Pre & Post Delivery Automation Use CRD’s unique Custom Actions to run another program, enter values in a database, modify a file & lots more.